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Aubergine Salad Dip (from Mount Athos)

  • Cooking time45 minutes
  • Prep time1 hour
  • Servings4 portions
recipe image Aubergine Salad Dip (from Mount Athos)


  • 5 “flask” aubergines
  • 2 Florina peppers
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 2 tablespoons celery
  • 2-3 tablespoons white vinegar
  • 70 ml. Altis Traditional Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • Freshly ground pepper
  • Salt


      1. We preheat the oven at 200ο C.
      2. We pierce the aubergines with a fork, place them in a baking pan together with the peppers and bake them until they become soft.
      3. We peel the aubergines and peppers, and we mince them on a cutting board.
      4. We mince the celery and chop the garlic in thin slices.
      5. In a bowl, we mix all the ingredients; we sprinkle the mix with the vinegar, pour the olive oil over it, and add the salt and pepper.
      6. We marinate the aubergine salad dip for 1 hour in the fridge and then serve.
      - We can bake the aubergines on a rack so as to add a “smoked” flavour to the dip - We can add pickled Florina peppers - The aubergine salad dip goes well with walnuts, so we can add 2-3 tablespoons walnut kennels