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Messinia babanatsa

  • Prep time5 minutes
  • Servings4 portions
recipe image Messinia babanatsa


  • 4 large ripe tomatoes
  • 4 slices of stale yeast bread
  • 50 ml. Altis Kalamata Olive Oil
  • 150 gr. Kalamata feta cheese
  • 5-6 black olives
  • Sea salt
  • ½ teaspoon dry oregano
  • 3-4 leaves fresh mint
  • 2 sprigs fresh oregano


      1. In a bowl, we grate the tomatoes at the coarse side of the grater; we add the dry oregano, a little olive oil, salt, and we mix.
      2. We put the bread on a serving plate and place the tomatoes, grated cheese and olives on top.
      3. We add the mint leaves and oregano sprigs, we pour the remaining olive oil on top and then serve.
      - We may add some basil leaves - We can use any type of bread we prefer