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Revani with Olive Oil

  • Cooking time45 minutes
  • Prep time20 minutes
  • Servings12 portions
recipe image Revani with Olive Oil


  • 120 gr. all-purpose flour
  • 310 gr.  coarse semolina
  • 150 gr. sugar
  • 210 ml. Altis Classic Olive Oil
  • 200 gr. strained yoghurt
  • 4 large eggs
  • 1 vanilla capsule
  • 1 tablespoon lemon zest
  • 1 ½ teaspoon baking powder
For the syrup
  • 800 gr.   sugar
  • 750 ml. water
  • Lemon peels
  • Coconut for serving


      1. We preheat the oven at 180ο C.
      2. In the mixer, we beat the olive oil and the sugar for 3΄, add the yoghurt, the eggs one by one and the vanilla.
      3. In a bowl, we mix the flour, semolina, salt, baking powder and zest, we add them into the mixer and continue to beat for 2΄.
      4. We transfer the mix into an oiled medium baking pan and bake for 40-45΄ at 180ο C.
      5. While the revani is being baked, we prepare the syrup, boiling all the ingredients over medium heat for 5΄.
      6. We slowly pour the hot syrup over the revani and let it cool in the fridge.
      7. We serve the revani cool with a little coconut.
      - We can use orange or bergamot for extra flavour