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Watermelon Pie or Karpouzenia

  • Cooking time45 minutes
  • Prep time30 minutes
  • Servings4 portions
recipe image Watermelon Pie or Karpouzenia


  • 1000 gr. watermelon pith without the seeds
  • 220 gr. flour
  • 120 ml (+ 40 ml for oiling) Altis Chania Crete Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • 120 gr. honey
  • 2 tablespoons fine semolina
  • 1 vanilla capsule
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • Sesame


      1. In a bowl, we “break” the watermelon pith in small pieces with our hands.
      2. We add all the remaining ingredients and stir them well until the mix becomes a pulp.
      3. We oil well a baking pan, big enough so that the pulp is not thicker than one finger.
      4. We sprinkle the baking pan with the semolina and add the pulp; we oil the watermelon pie surface and sprinkle it with the sesame.
      5. We bake the watermelon pie for 45’, let it cool and cut it into pieces.
      6. We serve the watermelon pie with cinnamon and honey, preferably cold, right out from the fridge.
      - It is essential that the watermelon pie is very thin - We can use a little clove for extra flavour