Lemon Chicken
Cooking time1 hour
Prep time10 minutes
Servings4 portions

- 1 chicken, cut in portions
- 2 onions, minced
- 3 garlic cloves, minced
- 3 potatoes, cut in chunks
- 150 ml. Altis Classic Olive Oil
- 100 ml. white wine
- 300 ml. chicken broth
- 4 grains allspice
- 1 laurel leaf
- 3 lemons
- Freshly ground pepper
- Salt
- In a saucepan, we saute the chicken in half of the olive oil on both sides until it becomes brown.
- In a saucepan, we saute the onion, garlic and potatoes in the other half of the olive oil for 2-3 min.; we quench with the wine until it evaporates, and add the spices, salt and pepper.
- We add the chicken (without its oil) and then the broth and lemon juice.
- We let it stew for 60 min., remove it from the fire and then serve.
- We can also add 2-3 carrots, sliced